Bridge Beyond 2025

Breydel Auditorium, Avenue d'Auderghem 45, 1000 Brussels, 20 November, 2019. From 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM


The event will be live-streamed. Kindly note the transmission will be activated approximately 15-20 minutes ​before the start of the event. Access the live streaminghere​.



ACER - CEER Presentation​

ACER Recommendation 02/2019​​ on the regulatory response to the future challenges emerging from developmen​ts in the internal gas market

The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators and the Council of European Energy Regulators present t​​he Bridge Beyond 2025: an ACER Recommendation and joint ACER-CEER paper.

This summer, after the entry into force of the Clean Energy Package, the Agency ran a public consultation to gather stakeholders' views regarding a number of identified key challenges in the European energy sector. The consultation focused in particular on issues in the gas sector and outside the scope of the Clean Energy Package – looking beyond 2025 and at the actions that will need to be taken to address them. CEER also ran a public consultation on regulatory challenges for a sustainable gas sector in the spring of this year, the results of which contribute to the joint paper. ​​