ACER PR 01 17.pdf
Commission’s Clean Energy proposals: Regulators call for flexible regulation and effective regulatory oversight23/01/2017 13:00
ACER PR 02-21.pdf
Final report on the separation of the Continental Europe power system on 8 January 202115/07/2021 14:54
ACER PR 03-21.pdf
First meeting of the Expert Panel investigating the short outage of the FR-ES interconnection22/10/2021 09:47
ACER PR-01-14.pdf
ACER welcomes the day-ahead market coupling in North-West Europe04/02/2014 11:53
ACER PR-01-15.pdf
ACER welcomes the REMIT Implementing Acts’ entry into force and announces the launch of its new REMIT Portal on 8 January 201507/01/2015 11:22
ACER PR-01-16.pdf
REMIT implementation enters final stage08/01/2016 11:59
ACER PR-01-18.pdf
European Commission aims to enhance ACER’s mandate and the powers of its Director05/07/2018 13:24
ACER PR-01-19.pdf
New Director of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators designated27/09/2019 08:54
ACER PR-01-20.pdf
New challenges and opportunities for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators08/01/2020 16:06
ACER PR-01-21.pdf
ACER and ENTSO-E investigate the 8th January electricity system separation26/02/2021 09:00
ACER PR-01-22.pdf
Europe’s energy regulators stand with Ukraine in today’s power grid synchronisation with Continental Europe16/03/2022 13:38
ACER PR-02-14.pdf
ACER Board of Regulators follows up on the European Commission’s evaluation of the Agency 19/02/2014 13:59
ACER PR-02-15.pdf
ACER launches updated Gas Target Model08/01/2015 11:12
ACER PR-02-16.pdf
Romana Jordan and Jochen Penker elected new Chair and Vice-Chair of ACER Administrative Board28/01/2016 14:07
ACER PR-02-17.pdf
The Network Codes for the Energy Union: Joining forces on implementation03/05/2017 09:37
ACER PR-02-18.pdf
Lower wholesale energy prices translate into lower retail prices for the second year in a row22/10/2018 12:01
ACER PR-02-19.pdf
Energy Regulators recommend legislative and regulatory action to support the decarbonisation of Europe’s energy sector19/11/2019 15:02
ACER- PR-02-20.pdf
Whilst gas wholesale markets for the most part function efficiently, challenges remain for both electricity and retail energy markets across Europe28/10/2020 11:50
ACER PR-03-14.pdf
Razvan Nicolescu appointed Chair of the Administrative Board of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)19/03/2014 11:18
ACER PR-03-15.pdf
Energy Regulators welcome the Energy Union Package, ACER stands ready for a new role if adequately resourced25/02/2015 12:25
ACER PR-03-16.pdf
ACER and ENTSOG launch a joint platform to facilitate a smooth gas network code implementation11/02/2016 08:58
ACER PR-03-17.pdf
Regulators call for priority dispatch of existing Renewables to be removed11/05/2017 13:22
ACER PR-03-19.pdf
Jochen Penker and Jurijs Spiridonovs elected Chair and Vice-Chair of ACER Administrative Board18/12/2019 09:39
ACER- PR-03-20.pdf
Regulators welcome the Commission’s Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) proposals but see scope for further improvement for energy network development 16/12/2020 08:42
ACER PR-04-14.pdf
Central Eastern Europe unites towards the EU single energy market11/04/2014 15:43
ACER PR-04-15.pdf
ACER publishes European Register of Market Participants and List of Standard Contracts and stands ready for REMIT data collection from Organised Market Places and ENTSO transparency platforms 17/03/2015 14:35
ACER PR-04-16.pdf
One month ahead: ACER is ready for 2nd phase of REMIT data collection 07/03/2016 16:21
ACER PR-04-17.pdf
Regional cooperation: cornerstone of the Energy Union Governance29/06/2017 14:03
ACER PR-04-21.pdf
ACER and ENTSO-E investigate the incident in the Polish power system on 17 May 202121/12/2021 11:45
ACER PR-05-14.pdf
ACER proposes a strategy for tackling the upcoming challenges of the single EU Energy Market 29/04/2014 13:05
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